Antique Folding Puzzle Box Sewing Kit

Antique Folding Puzzle Box Sewing Kit


Tuesday 9:30-10:30, Wednesday 2:00-3:00, Thursday 9:30-10:30 —Amy McClellan

We’re breaking this up into 3 one hour time slots in order to complete the project better.

I fell in love with these antique folding boxes and had to create something from it. I turned this into a fun sewing kit that stores my pins and needles, glasses, floss, scissors, etc. I will tell you where you can find your boxes or I have a few I can sell or maybe you already have one because you’re a collector like me! More details will be emailed, but you can start looking for fabric combinations and wools that you like. The boxes seemed to be running about $40 on ebay and often come with lots of old sewing machine attachments which we remove for this project.

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